
How to Create Your Own Website with WordPress | WAY EASIER than you Think

by Mike Healy  - December 21, 2017


Man am I glad I figured this out a few years back. The cool part is that it saved me a TON of money and wasn’t nearly as hard as I had originally thought. In fact I’ve not only made my own website but have made many others for friends and family as well as earning some extra cash from business owners who wanted one as well. So I made this video to show you exactly what you need to do to set up a website in no time flat.



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Mike Healy

With more than 20 years experience, Mike Healy is a seven figure earner in the network marketing industry. Known as a highly skilled recruiter, Mike has built massive teams in the tens of thousands multiple times as well as personally enrolling more than 2,000 people.

Over the last 11 years Mike has become an internet and marketing expert helping people and businesses quickly grow their brands and community in record time.

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