How would you like to be able to share any article or post from any website but get the traffic back to your site? That sure would be a great little trick don’t you think?
Well what I’m about to share with you will do just that. I’m also going to give you the links to the systems you need to properly do this. The great part is that it’s FREE!
Now before I go into it all, lets briefly talk about a major error that people constantly do that this trick fixes. That error that most people do, is just posting replicated or buy now link straight onto Facebook, twitter, linkedin or any other social media site thinking that just by doing that, that the magical ‘lead fairy’ will just bop the person on the head and they join your business or buy your stuff. NOT going to happen!
So what’s the solution? ! Yep. It’s a free service that lets you “Curate” someone else’s great article or content but allow you to add a sort of pop up call to action right on the actual page. It’s AMAZING!
You can see an example of what a pop up looks like in this image. Basically all I did was find the article I thought my ‘target market’ might be interested in, then make the link.
Another great thing about this is that you can also track the results of a link you shared inside ‘s site. This is great data to see so you can track results and see if people liked or disliked what you shared. Once you dial this in a few times, you will find patterns of what your target audience really wants versus what you think they want…big difference.
Now just to make this VERY simple, I made a screen record video of how simple this all is and how it works. Enjoy!
If you begin to understand the possibilities that new technologies are giving the average person to market their business, it’s incredible. I started using social media a while back to expand my reach, create a better brand awareness, generate leads and create new friends.
If you have been itching to learn more but don’t know where to start and need a simple but powerful results oriented social media program and strategy then you may want to check out the video I have on my Social Media Training Course.
It’s jam packed with stuff I use every day. In fact, using the techniques I teach in the course, you can see why I have had over half a million views on my Youtube channel alone WITHOUT spending a dollar in advertising to get those views.
You can view the Social Media Training Course by clicking on the image below.